Help the hungry. ♥

Fighting world hunger



Danny-- I am NOT slacking! I have like, a zillion more posts than you! :P

.........And most of your old ones are very short!


I think my brother and mom are making beef jerky.... or something..... Anyway! Cast was today! And after Cast it was still sunny enough to take my daily bike ride, so yeah, I did that. I've been taking one every day since a week and a half ago, I think.

Anyway, it gets pretty tiring... :P

So Danny posted a bit not too long ago. I checked his blog at about 5:50 and it had said he posted 27 minutes ago. :D

And at cast, I didn't really do any of my lines as Phinea Trout, just as a squirrel and an oompa loompa. Morgan (Charlie) wasn't here today, along with many others, so some of the older kids had to help with their lines when we went through some of the parts. When I wasn't on stage, I was backstage where they are at the moment keeping a lot of costumes and props from the other plays. There are a lot of poofy girly skirts hanging up, and a bench, and some of the other usual things that they keep back there. Also, they have recently been keeping a couch/ fireplace scene out on stage for another play that they have rehearsal for before ours.

I forgot my script today, so I'm lucky I didn't have any lines as Phinea-- they're are about 5-10 of them, and they are LONG!
Anyway, hmmm.... What to write about.....

Lets see. Oh! So, happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone! We had a little celebration at school for it. We had green (XD) milkshakes and green lollipops... Yum? Well, at least we didn't have green cupcakes! :P
And yeah... In the lunch room, everyone was clapping when Ms. D (My teacher) got something from the closet in the lunch room, and when she turned around she was wearing green rimmed and yellow tinted glasses, and huge green hat, a green bowtie, and her normal clothes-- which had included a green shamrock shirt and green leprechaun socks. And green sweat pants! Talk about green!

I still have a cold. >.<

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