Help the hungry. ♥

Fighting world hunger



Yay! I just got back from camp a few hours ago. :D So come talk to me on teh ant hill in kongregate if ya want! :P



So, You know how I told you guys how I had to go to camp? Well, I'm going in a few hours so since no one is online in kongregate I'll say my goodbyes here. lol. But I'll only be gone for 4 days! :D BYE! (bye danny speshullly xxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooo lav you)



Sorry I haven't been posting much recently. A lot has been going on. But guess what? After I realized there was an art section on I've been drawing a lot. I've already submitted a bunch of art. You can check it out on my Kongregate profile-- Theres a link to it in the sites we love column on the side.-->