Help the hungry. ♥

Fighting world hunger



Not too far away from my house there's a 'home' for older people with mental/family problems, or something along the lines of that. It's behind my old school, and I've seen it a few times. You'll learn why I've mentioned it later in this post.

Figure out this riddle.
Today, I decided that I would just have a stand selling chocolate, no lemonade.
I had one customer who bought one chocolate bar.
Each chocolate bar costs 2$.
I earned 10$ in the end.

How did I do it? Scroll down to find out. :)

An old, nice man named Fred was my first and last customer.
He only had 10+ dollar bills, which were wrapped around a pocket knife.
 I watched as he handed me $10.
Without requesting change, he left my stand with one chocolate bar.
I sat there with the $10, happy.

I've seen Fred before when I was selling lemonade. When I went inside out of excitement, my dad told me about the place I first mentioned.
Not to mention he made sure someone was watching me while I did my stand. :)

Thank you, Fred, for your random act of kindness and making sure I was safe. 



Hah. I got my first doll less than 3 months ago, and I'm already jumping for another!!!!
No, really.

He's too cute to resist! I mean, he'd be like, the perfect match for my Mei girl! He's a Song boy from Bobobie, so they're both elves. Considering I have my 100$ bill, since I owe my dad/grandma 9$ for my blue beanie, I'll only need to make 64 more bucks, since the dolly is 155$.

And considering that I made around 15 bucks in one day with a lemonade stand, I think I can get enough for this boy in just a short while!!!!! :D :D :D :D
And since it's getting warmer, more people will want to buy my lemonade :P

Due to Fred, I only need 55$ more. :)


So. Hot.

88.2 degrees fahrenheit, about 31.2222 degrees celsius.. Wow.

It's so hot that I pretty much climbed up on the table and stayed face-planted there for a few minutes because the kitchen table was cold!

And then I got the fan and put it in my room and turned it on high.... so here I am.

48 days till the last day of school... wow. 7 weeks. I can't believe it's already May 2nd... time has been going so fast. And actually, not counting weekends, only 35 days till summer. And 2 weeks about till I do my play.


Isn't he awesome?

I need to make this blog...


Even though it is truly awesome, its not as awesome as Allie Brosh's blog!!! ( So.... I need to make it awesomer!!!
1. Posting every day.
2. Posting funny shat.
3. Posting funnier shat and popular shat that people search for.
.... I need more ways to make it awesome!!!!
Time to use Gimp to make hilarious pictures for my blog :P


Sorry for not posting in a while, guys. It was....
T.V turn off week. Which kinda sucked, but since I did it I SHOULD be getting a free icecream sometime soon.
What sucks even more is that video games counted, and so did computers. MEH!!! Except, you know, for the homework we have on our computers. Anyway. I'll make a long post, to make up for my week-without-posts.

Monday: Let's see.... Pretty sucky day, had some stuff that was due..... my teacher was all like, "OH well you MIIIIIGHT have a math quiz tomorrow, so you MIIIIIIIGHT want to study!!!!" so that after noon I studied and then hung out on the roof.

Tuesday: Math quiz. Nice job with sarcasm, miss. Enrichment class, which sucks easy buttons. SOme people wouldn't last a week in Enrichment class... Oh, and we only go there once a week. XD Anyway, then we were told, "OOOHHH, you just MIGHT have ANOTHER stupid damn (exaggeration please?) effing MATH QUIZ tomorrow, so you know, you might wanna studing your means and your modes and your medians and your ranges!" Then later I studied and went on the roof again.

Wednesday: Boring much? We had another math quiz. I got 100's on both... blah blah...Although, I did have cast. Pierce, a.k.a Wonka didn't sound like such a creeper in his CandyMan scene. I memorized all my shiii-iit long lines.... I mean, se- 

WAIT EFFING TURTLES DEJA VU!!! God, its been 'deja vu THIS' 'deja vu THAT' all week for me. Cause some times I have either flash.. backs.. flashforwards? or dreams or something where its like, I see something, or like I'm having a conversation, and then the whole damn thing seems familiar like I/ the other person said the exact same things in like, a dream or something!!! 

Dude, it's happened my whole life. I mean, this one time in fourth grade, I was talking to this kid, Spencer, and we were doing this project and talking and stuff, but then it was like BOOM and I was like "holy shit this has happened before!!!" (exaggeration) and he was just like, "Um... okay wait what?" and I was like "deja vu" and he was like "wha?" and I was like "nevermind"..... Lol. 

Anyway, as I was saying before I had said "WAIT EFFING TURTLES DEJA VUU!" I was saying: I mean, seriously, I have the longest lines in the whole play! Even Wonkas lines are shorter than mine!!! And plus I have a bunch of long lines that are very similiar so I get mixed up with them.... speshully since they all pretty much start  with "Ladies and Gentlemen".... 

Anyway, I also got my costume for the play.....soo.... yeah... anyway, on to Thursday, the sh- worst of them all.

Thursday: Although it was a D day, meaning like, we stay in Homeroom for most of the day, it still sucked...

 You see, the fifth grade has to sell chocolate bars every year to help raise money for field trip... we have to sell several boxes or buy out part of them or all of them, and on that day I had to carry all  the effing heavy boxes, each with 24 candy bars, home from my bus stop... Its like more than a mile, but its down hill and the handles kept on breaking so eventually I had to carry all of them stacked on top of eachother....

But considering I was sweaty and crying and my arms were pretty much broken and so were my legs and ankles (I exaggerate a lot in this post), I got to get ice cream at Shady Glen and hang out at the lake :P

Friday: Not much... no spanish class... running club though, I ran about 4 miles.... Anyway...

Saturday: Hung out with Aedin about 2:00. Rode my bike to his house.... we went down to the stream.. and matt was there for a little while so we had band practice... and then we went to the stream again..... and then I went home.

And then today is sunday! So... yeah... see you later.