Help the hungry. ♥

Fighting world hunger


001. Name → Phaedra
002. Nickname → Meg, Meghan, Phae, Meggy
003. Status → Creative, tired, hungry, un-healthy, prolly almost dead.
004. Zodiac sign → Virgo, and for the Chinese zodiac, the rabbit.
005. Male or female → Female, but I'mma crossdresser ^^
006. Elementary → Noneyabusiness
007. Middle School → Noneyabusiness
008. Vocational school(High School) → Noneyabusiness
009. Smart → Uh. I guess?

010. Hair color → Lightish Brown
011. Long or short → Short for a girl... a bit past my ears.
012. Loud or Quiet → Quiet.
013. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans.
014. Phone or Camera → Phone Camera :P
015. Health freak → Now I am, mostly.
016. Drink or Smoke? → Once or twice.
017. Do you have a crush on someone? → Many people.
018. Eat or Drink → Drink.
019. Piercings → 1 in each ear, planning on many,  many more
020. Tattoos → I'll get one as soon as Im old enough... it'll be one of those memorial ones.

023. First piercing → Both ears, at age 5/6
024. First best friend → Some girl I can't remember. She was homeschooled, and I was like, 4.
025. First award → The earliest one I can remember was in 4th grade, I won for the Fire Prevention poster drawing contest.
026. First crush → A boy named Kyle.
027. First pet → Marie, a hamster.

028. First big vacation → Can't remember.
030. First big birthday → Age 6/7.

049. Eating → Nothing.
050. Drinking → Nothing.
052. I'm about to → Submit this quiz to my blog.
053. Listening to → A fly buzzing.
054. Plans for today → Draw a fox for Sam, do the room meme and put it on Deviantart, the blog, etc... Sleep some, use the tablet, pack for Tuesday's trip to Gigi's house.

058. Want kids? → Possibly. Adopting would be nice.
059. Want to get married? → I don't know. I doubt I'll ever find Mr/Ms. Right....
060. Careers in mind → Physical therapist, is what my mom suggested, I think.

068. Lips or eyes → Eyes.
070. Shorter or taller? → Either.
072. Romantic or spontaneous → Either/both.
073. Nice stomach or nice arms → Either.
074. Sensitive or loud → Sensitive...
075. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship.
077. Trouble maker or hesitant → Either.

080. Lost glasses/contacts → No.
081. Ran away from home → Yes.
084. Broken someones heart → I wouldn't know... but mine has been.
085. Been arrested → Almost :P
087. Cried when someone died → Yes....

089. Yourself → Not at all, really.
090. Miracles → Nope.
091. Love at first sight → Only if it was a miracle, which I rarely believe in.
092. Heaven → Atheist here.. so no.
093. Santa Claus → No.
094. Sex on the first date → No.
095. Kiss on the first date → Yes.

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now → Many people.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → No.
099. Do you believe in God → No.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag → Urm....

Now for the notes.

1) Danny, I hope everything turns out well for you. You're one of the only people I can really trust....

2) Colby, rest in peace. Skag, I'm so sorry for not believing you at first. It was the shock. You know how much I cared about Colby, and I wished I could've said goodbye. I can't believe I didn't know until two weeks after, but I really was upset. I never got to told him how I felt, but it's too late. I have to move on.

3)  Kaylin, take care of Danny. He really loves you, and I'm glad you've been there for him. 

4) Aedin, screw you. You made me depressed for at least a month after, and you're screwed up for what you did. Don't mess with me anymore. You're lucky I haven't done nothing other then cuss at you and flip you off.

5)Cait, you're my bestestest gal friend :P I lav yoo tons! Dunno what I'd do without you.

6) Dominic, I'm your least stalkerish stalker, since I do really know ya. :P You're such an idiot, but I still lahv you, no matter how much I ignore your ass. XD

7) May, maybird, whatever ya want me to call you since I either don't know/ can't recall/was never told your name. XD but I lahv yooh too.

8) Gigi, I hope you never confuse that hand for a beard like we laughed about. :P

9)Mom, let the rainbow black pants be honored by C.A.S.T :P

10)Ed, I hope you are eventually NOT confused with your name for that SmeyerSparklepire :P

11) Armando, or whatever your name is, I love you for your completely oblivious gayness. You are the most awesome not gay gay guy I know. Those teen nights are the best of my zombie loving days, now lets get some brain ice cubes.

12) Natalia, tell Cassy she should stay away from the twinkies XD 

13) Boy who is amazed by my DDR skillz at the teen night, thank you for your support ;P

I love you peeps ^^ Except for the haters, cause.. they be hatin'! 

I'll post the room meme here soon, so you gais can see mah room ^^ Edit: Errr, maybe not that soon. Possibly tomorrow or later this week (6.25.10- 7.1.10,  :P)


***Answer truthfully***

Have you ever...

1. had your friends see embarassing baby pictures of you? Yeah, probably.

2. painted your room? Yeah.

3. made out with a member of the same sex? I wish :P

4. drove a car? Sorta. XD

5. danced in front of your mirror? Nope.

6. have a crush? A lot of them, maybe you can call them obsessions though..  About half are chicks :P

7. been dumped? Yup.

8. stole money from a friend? Nope.

9. gotten in the car with people you didnt know? Don't think so.

10. been in a fist fight? Yes.

11. had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? Yeah....

12. had feelings for a friend? Yep...

14. made out with a stranger? Nope.

15. been to any place with a member of the opposite sex? Yes, what kind of question is that?! Who hasn't done that?! (Exactly the same reaction as Danny XD)

16. left your house with out telling your parents? Yeah.

17. had a crush on your neighbor? Yeah, I think.

18. ditched school to do something more fun? Yeah :P

19. slept (not had sex) in a bed with a member of the same sex? Well, right next to, on the floor.

20. seen someone die? I think.

21. been on a plane? Yeah, when I was an infant :P

22. kissed a picture? Yeah. Good times :P Today, actually XD

23. slept in until 3? Yup..

24. miss someone right now? Not one person. A couple.

25. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Yeah.

26. made a snow angel? Yup..

27. played dress up? Yeah, dressed up as a... boy XD

28. cheated while playing a game? Yeah, probably.

29. been lonely? Yes.

30. fallen asleep at work/school? Yup. :P

31. been to a bar? Does the tiki bar at six flags count? *wink*

32. felt an earthquake? Apparently. :P

33. touched a snake? Yeah.

34. ran a red light? No.

35. been suspended from school? No.

36. had detention? Yeah.

37. been in a car accident that you didn't cause? Nope.

38. hated the way you look? Yeah.

39. witnessed a crime? Yeah, it was awesome XD

39. been the person doing the crime? I wasn't caught, but it was probably something stupid that really wouldn't matter, or stealing from a store when I was like 5 :P

40. pole danced? Hah, nope.

41. been lost? Yeah.

42. been to the opposite side of the country? Yeah, I lived there ^^

43. felt so ill you thought you might die? Sorta,.

44. cried yourself to sleep? Yep.

46. sang karaoke? Yeah.

47. done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Yeah.

48. laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? No... well, maybe. :P

49. caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yeah.

50. kissed in the rain? Once. Ahh, third grade was full of surprises XD

51. sang in the shower? Probably.

52. made out in a public park? Nope.

53. had a dream where you were married? I dunno.

54. glued your hand to something? Yup :P

55. got your tongue stuck to a pole? Hah, nope!

56. ever been partially naked at school? FOr a scoliosis test at school, and some other time.

57. been a cheerleader? No.

58. sat on a roof top? Yeah, tons of times ^^

59. didn’t take a shower for a week? Probably when I was like, 4 XD

60. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? Maybe :P

61. played chicken? Don't think so.

62. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Yup :P

64. broken a bone? Dunno.

65. cried so hard you laughed? Yes!

66. laughed so hard you cried? Yes.

67. mooned/flashed someone? Yeah XD

68. cheated on a test? A while back :P.

69: forgotten someones name? Nope.

70. slept naked? Yeah.

71. gone skinny dipping? No.

73. blacked out from drinking? No.

74. played a prank on someone? Yeah.

75. gone to a late night movie? Yes.

76. made love to anything not human? o.O No.

77. failed a class? No.

78. choked on something you’re not supposed to eat? No.

79. played an instrument for more than 10 hours in total? Yeah.

80. been cheated on? Probably.

81. celebrated the 4th of July? Yeah.

82. thrown strange objects? Yes.

83. felt like killing someone? No.

84. felt like running away? Yes, and I did, sorta

86. did drugs? No

87. had detention and not attend it? No.

89. made a parent cry? Yes.

90. cried about someone? Yes.

91. had sex with more than one person in a 24 hour period? No.

92. dated someone you didn’t even like?No.

93. had/have a dog? Yes.

95. own an instrument? Yes.

96. been in band? Yeah.

97. drank 25 sodas in a day? Nope.

98. broken a CD? Yes :P

99. shot a gun? No.

100. had feelings for one of your best friends? Yes. 

Some journal memes (surveys) are here:
Some of them are for DA users, just cause their like "comment and I'll pick three of your deviations (art things) that I like."
But most of them are like the ones Danny and I have been doing ^^ There are also a lot of other surveys on deviantart, too..

You are: Meghan/Phaedra
You like: Umm... a lot of things..
Name your first kiss: Erin, someone none of you know. But I wish I could go back, I wanted my first to be with someone really special.
Would you kill a dog for 1 million dollars: No.

Yes or no:
Live with your parents? Yes.
Own YOUR car: No.
Have more than $100/£100 in your wallet? I did :P
Seen someone get killed/die? Sorta.
Been pretend-raped? Sorta. ;P
Have siblings? Yes.

Put an x to everything that is true:
Have you ever…
[] Fantisised about your teacher?
[] Wanted to kill someone?
[X] Stuck your gum under a table
[] told a friend that you were doing something else with your family, even though you had already promised them to do something with them?
[/] said i love you, and actually felt it
[] called someone a slut
[/] been called a slut
[] faked to be handicap juss to be in those handicap parkings?

you are naturally;
[] Blonde
[x] Brunette
[] red head
[] Other-

Answer these questions:
What should you be doing right now? Nothing.
Where would you want to be right now? I don't know.
What’s your goal in life? To live a happy life with my friends and family and someone I really care about around me.
Would you ever want to be a taxi driver? No.
Have you ever spent a whole day on the search of the perfect bumper sticker for your friend? No.
Worst memory of school? I have tons, too many to pick from.
Whats your worst fear?
Ever laughed so hard that you peed? No.
Ever eaten and then puked it out straight away? Yeah.
Ever been so drunk that you felt numb? No.
Ever cut yourself? Yeah.
Had gossip written about you on the bathroom wall? Yeah.
Do you like yourself? Not really.
Are you conceited? No.
Are you straight, homosexual or bisexual? I've yet to find that out.
Has anybody ever thought you were homosexual? Yeah.
are you single? Yeah.
if not, Are you married?
Are you in love? Sorta.
Do you have a diary? Yes.
Have you ever stayed in the shower for more than 1 hour? Yes.
Do you sing in the shower? Nope
Two Facebook Accounts? No.
Do you own a laptop? Yes.
Do you own a camera? Yes.
How’s the weather? Hot. Humid.
What season are you in? Summer.
What would you like to be later on in life? Dunno.
What Zodiac sign are you? Virgo.
Are you homophobic? No.
What’s your pet peeve (Something you cant stand)? Homophobics, sexists, racists, and just plain obnoxious people.
If you have to pee and there’s only a sani-vac will you hold it in until home? What?
Do you wear braces? No.
Do you wear glasses? No.
Favourite song? Right now, What Is Love by Nevershoutnever.
Song stuck in your head (not the same song as above)? Fall for you by Secondhand Serenade.
Last book you read? Reread it, Fruits Basket book 6.
Favourite disney princess? I hate Disney.

Spell your full first name with some movies:
C harlie and the chocolate factory
H ellboy
L ast kiss
O ver my dead body
E nchanted )



I can;t think of any movies..

Favourite tv show? Mythbusters
Bestfriends? Tons :P Especially Danny
Are you a virgin?
Are you religious? Nope.
Are you a man? Lol, no.
Have you hit puberty yet? Yeah.
Do you moan in the shower like in those Herbal Essence commercials? :P No.
Ever fallen asleep in the shower? No.
Ever took a piss in the shower? Nope. 


1.Short Hair(ForYour Gender)? [X]
2.Long Hair(For Your Gender)? []
3.No Hair? []
4.Freckles [X] (some. :P)
5.Blue eyes [X]
6.Green Eyes [x] (they're bluish green according to some people)
7.Brown Eyes []
8.Hazel Eyes []
9.Other Color Eyes []
10.Naturally Brunette [x]
11. Naturally Blonde []
12. Naturally Black Hair []
13. Naturally Other Colour? []
14.Tall [](in between.)
15.Short [] (in between.)
16.Wear your hair up ? []
17.Wear your down ? [X] (too short to wear up)
18.Up and down? []
Clothes~ (What you wear *Acc. Makeup Etc.*)
19.Jeans [X]
20.Sweater [] (in the winter..)
21.High tops [x]
22.Sneaker [X]
23.High Heels []
24.Flip flops [x]
25.No shoes? []
26.Headband []
27.Hair clip [x]
28.Earring/s [X]
29.Necklace [X]
30.Choker []
31.Other Piercings []
32.Bracelet [X]
33.Purse [x]
34.Bag [x]
35.Glasses []

Colors~ (Mark Favs)
36.Black [X]
37.Blue [X]
38.Green [X]
39.Yellow []
40.Orange [X]
41.Purple [X]
42.Pink [X]
43.White [X]
44.Grey [X]
45.Gold []
46.Silver []
47.Rainbow [X]
48.Other? [X]

Fav Stuff ~
49.Animals [X]
50.Drawing [X]
51.Reading [X]
52.Sleeping []
53.Eating []
54.Playing []
55.Playing sports [X]
56.Going on Facebook [X]
57.Hanging with friends [X]
58.Listening to music [X]
59.Blogging [X]
60.Stalking People on Facebook [X] (Danny :P)
61.Other? [X]

Friends ~
62.Have a best friend ? [X]
63.Enemy []
64.Lost a friend [X]
65.Made a new friend [X]
66.Found lost friends [X]
67.Met a friend over the internet [X]
68.Been backstabbed? [X]
69.Imaginary friend [x] (Lol, sort of.)
70.Share a brain with a friend []

71.Mom [X]
72.Dad [X]
73.Step Dad []
74.Step Mom []
75.Step Sister []
76.Step brother []
77.Aunt [X]
78.Uncle [X]
79.Cousins [X]
80.Nephew []
81.Niece []
82.Grandfather [x]
83.Grandmother [x]
84.Brother [X]
85.Sister []
86.No Family []

Pets ~
87.Cat [x]
88.Dog [X]
89.Fish []
90.Reptile []
91.Rodent []
92.Insect [x] (many XD)
93.Bird [x]
94.Exotic pet []
95.No pet []
96.Had a pet die [x]
97.Get a new pet [x]
98.Give away a pet []
99.Lose a pet []

Mark the letters in your whole first name:

A [XX]
B []
C []
D [X]
E [X]
F []
G []
H [X]
I []
J []
K []
L []
M []
N []
O []
P [X]
Q []
R [X]
S []
T []
U []
V []
W []
X []
Y []
Z []

Random ~
Age :
100.6-10 []
101.11-15 [X]
102.16 – 20 []
103.Other []
104.Haves :
105.Computer [X]
106.Pets [X]
107.Ipod [X]
108.Cellphone [X]
109.Camera [X]
110.Nintendo Ds [X]
111.Ninteddo Wii [X]
112.Playstation [X]
113.Playstation 2 [X]
114.Playstation 3 [X]
115.Xbox []
116.Xbox 360 []
117.Gamecube []
118.Gameboy [X]
119.Gameboy Advanced [X]
120.Old schooled Nintendo []
121.Other ? [X]

Skills (Pick what your good at) :
122.Drawing [X]
123.Poetry [X]
124.Writing [X]
125.Cooking [] (lolno.)
126.Math [X]
127.Science [X] (sorta)
128.Sports []
129.Sewing [] (I can sorta do it.)
130.Animation [X]
131.Singing [X]
132.Dancing []
133.Other? [X]


Music ~ *Pick which artists you’ve heard of *
134.A.F.I []
135.The Offspring [X]
136.Evanescence [X]
137.Shakira [X]
138.Lady Gaga [X]
139.Eminem [X]
140.Bloodhound Gang []
141.Fall out boy [X]
142.Alexisonfire [X]
143.Aqua []
144.Queen [X]
145.Billy Talent [X]
146.Breaking Benjamin [X]
147.Die mannequin []
148.Down with webster []
149.Foo fighters [X]
150.Green Day [X]
151.Guns N Roses [X]
152.Hedley []
153.Ke$sha [X]
154.The Killers [X]
155.Linking Park [X]
156.Lily Allen [X]
157.Marianas Trench []
158.Nickelback [X]
159.Nirvana [X]
160.PANIC! At the disco [X]
161.Papa Roach [X]
162.Paramore [X]
163.P!ink [X]
164.Pussycat Dolls [X]
165.Rise against [X]
166.Simple Plan [X]
167.Sum 41 [X]
168.System of a down [X]
169.Three days grace [X]
170.30 seconds to mars [X]

Now count at the X’S You put….

116 / 196

*It may seem like a lot but fill in the blank questions are fast to do.*

As the title, pick your favorite lyric.: <3

Your hopes, your dreams, your everything, Well, I hope, I dream, that you won't leave, And I have a question! What is love? What is love? Is it giving up? Well cause that's not how, you, raised me!

-Nevershoutnever-- Christofer Drew Ingle <3