Help the hungry. ♥

Fighting world hunger



Ahh... music.
Music is a little thing I call.. well, my best friend. More like boyfriend... XD
I'm actually starting to write some songs...
Yup, Music. It's awesome. Theres rock, alternative, pop, hip hop, rap, emo, punk, classical...
Theres bands, singers, composers... musicals....gigs.....shows... All that good stuff. Music is a great thing. Theres more than a thousand people out there listening to music right now. :P
Without music, what would life be? Birds would not sing sweet songs, loud sounds would not blare from car radios, vibrating the streets,  musicals would not exist, they would just be plays, or movies. TV shows wouldn't have theme songs. Ipods wouldn't hang from peoples ears as they take walks. Emos wouldn't be in bands. I've made my point :)



Dogs and puppies... they can be annoying, or totally cute.
Well, they're just annoying when they throw up on your couch.
Kinda like my dog. He's a maltese poodle... A malti-poo. I hate saying, "He's a malti-poo!" When someone asks, because it sounds a hell lot like "Multi poo" which means.. more than one poo, I guess?
Anyway, back to Oreo, my dog. He threw up on the couch this morning. I saw him making the noise he makes when he's about to throw up some weird foamy yellow barf. He decided to do it on the sucky couch, which was okay, but it got on a blanket. And I had to clean it up. Heres how the conversation with my mom about it went.
"Ewww, Oreo threw up on the couch!" No response.
"Mom, Oreo threw up on the couch." I said, walking to her.
"Yeah, well apparently I'm the only one able to clean up dog barf!" she said. I cleaned it up, after storming into the kitchen to get a paper towel and clean it up. No thanks from her yet.
Well, see ya, I've got to go to school. >.<


Ah, mornings... Whether its Monday or Friday, mornings suck.
No one wants to get out of bed, get dressed, and either go to work or school in the morning. Even I sometimes say '5 more minutes' before I get dragged out of bed. Even though I don't really sleep, I just don't want to get up and get dressed... in the cold! (Specially if there's a cold floor)
Some people wake up insanely early and get their morning to-do-list all checked off, whether it be in 30, 45, or in 60 minutes. Maybe even longer, maybe even shorter. It depends on the person, really.
Like if its a man or woman, or a boy, or girl. If they go to school, or if they go to work. If they live alone, or if there's more people involved.
Monday mornings are the worst. After the nice, long, weekend, you have to actually get up when you hear the alarm, whether its a mechanical alarm... or your mother. XD
Even Garfield, the cartoon cat, hates mondays. There have been T.V. shows having episodes where people are talking about how suckish Monday mornings are...

Do you get my point?
Thanks for reading.



It seems like a topic that so many people post about.
Yet for some, It doesn't even EXIST. I guess you could call those people.... well.... cold, maybe.
I've already seen posts with the topic of love on about 4 blogs...
So many books, and T.V shows, movies.....and all that crap.... a lot is about love.
Does anyone ever wonder why? Could it be because so many people desire love, so that imagine it for other people, and just pretend to live out their silly fantasies?
A lot of the most popular movies are about love. For example, Titanic. And a newer movie, Twilight. And a even NEWER movie, the sequel to Twilight, New Moon. And it seems Romantic Comedies have become popular, too.
And anime, and manga. You know, japanese stuff, like that? Even the Japanese are CRAZY.
I'm happy that the people who post on their blogs are ranting on how silly love is, but you know... it's still tiring.
When I was younger, I always wondered if the bigger point in life was love, or success. I still wonder about it today. Do any of you wonder if love might be the point in life? Because it seems like so much in life is involved with love. You know, friendship love, love and hate relationships, marriages, couples, boyfriends, girlfriends, relatives.... Those things are part of love. Because love isn't just for couples. Thats a really deep love, I guess.
A lot of famous things are about love. Romeo and Juliet, for example. And hearts are one of the most favorite little icons. Even for me. (The deep kind of)Love at first sight doesn't exist... to love them, you have to become acquainted with someone. You have to get to know them. Then, you like them, and become friends. Then, when you've known each other for months, and years, you get even closer. If you feel close to them, if you would do anything for them, if you would stay at their side, when their sick, if their ugly, when their to the point of dying, when they lie, when they cheat, when they can't stand you. People are put through so much so they can have their fantasy of wonderful love.

And that is just a small part of my opinion on love.
Thanks for reading,


So, I think I'm going to post daily...which may or may not become true, and takes a lot of dedication!
I know SOME bloggers that haven't posted in quite a while.
Check out .... She's one of those bloggers that hasn't posted in a bit, but her blog is still pretty cool! :D
Also, check out and AND .
They're all some pretty cool blogs that I've read.


Well, I'm bored...

20 more posts (I think....) till the superfantasticalicious 100 posts.
Oh yeah, its November 17 and yet I've counted about 10 different Christmas commercials. There's still 39 more days till then right? :P
 I'm going to be without my laptop this coming weekend because the charger isn't working... (why am I typing, no one reads this anyway >:(
 Maybe my skelanimal stuffed toys are reading it... o.O
*crash* what was that? Oh yeah its my brother attempting to make soup. :P
Ooh, look, my computer charger is reeeally working! D:
The fact that I'm actually making a post over 15 characters long is AMAZING! :P
Well, you know, thats only because I was inspired to write about my crappy life instead of crappy or awesome lives of others. So go ahead and click 'next blog' at the top if you feel like it.

 Lets start with the beginning of reaaal crappyness... October 15.
The day I lost my access to I won't go into details :P

Since then, computer time has been spent writing stories on Don't you dare go there and search me! Crappyness may fall upon you :P

I don't believe that the-person-i-can't-talk-at- all- because-i-have-no-access-to-kongregate-who-lives-not-anywhere-near-me has posted on his blog... in like 3 weeks. But, I emailed him and he's got out of the hospital a while ago! :D
 I'm surprised, and happy, that my computer hasn't shut down... :D Oh yeah, I haven't listened to music in a long time... yep music is my boyfriend.. otherwise I'm lonely :(
 I screamed today... yeah, I saw a worm crawl outta some peanut butter... Bleh :(
I've actually been watching more TV lately then I've been using my computer! Lol.
I can't believe New Moon is coming out... GIVE UP WITH THE MOVIES, READ THE BOOKS YOU MOVIE FANS!
I hated the Twilight movie. I laaaav the book, tho... so here is a little part of my life using the names from twilight.... cause I don't need to expose real names it might expose my identity XD Don't mix the names with the twilight books... I'm just using the names :P
So lets say Bella looooves Edward...and everyones saying Edward loves Bella too ya know. But Edward isn't too handsome and he knows it, and wonders why Bella is friends with him. And they haven't told eachother that they like each other but their best friends. But it seems like Bella and Edward are getting really distant. And then, Edward says how he had this crush on a girl he knows from his theater group and her name is Jessica. Now, Jessica is a bit older than Edward, is what Bella heard. And so Bella doesn't hear about Jessica for a while and they're continuing to be friends. And thheeen, A year later when Bella and Edward are older they get real distant again. And then these two awesome guys that Bella really likes come into her life, and their names are Jacob and Mike. Then Jacob becomes Bella's boyfriend and Edward doesn't know about this friends new boyfriend. But Mike becomes one of Bella's best friends. And then Bella thinks she kinda likes Mike, but then she can't see Jacob or Mike for a long time. The end. So far.
Its beginning to be the cold part of the year... Winter. When Bella wishes she has her best friend, Edward, to CUDDLE NEXT TO IN THE COLD. *cough* or at least maybe MIKE OR JACOB. *ahem cough cough* So anyone ELSE that actually might read this wishing they had a special someone to hug when it starts snowing...
Okay I don't want you all to think I'm crazy so I'll stop here. :P



What should I post about...
Oh yeah plus only 21 more posts till the 100th post!! :D