Help the hungry. ♥

Fighting world hunger



It seems like a topic that so many people post about.
Yet for some, It doesn't even EXIST. I guess you could call those people.... well.... cold, maybe.
I've already seen posts with the topic of love on about 4 blogs...
So many books, and T.V shows, movies.....and all that crap.... a lot is about love.
Does anyone ever wonder why? Could it be because so many people desire love, so that imagine it for other people, and just pretend to live out their silly fantasies?
A lot of the most popular movies are about love. For example, Titanic. And a newer movie, Twilight. And a even NEWER movie, the sequel to Twilight, New Moon. And it seems Romantic Comedies have become popular, too.
And anime, and manga. You know, japanese stuff, like that? Even the Japanese are CRAZY.
I'm happy that the people who post on their blogs are ranting on how silly love is, but you know... it's still tiring.
When I was younger, I always wondered if the bigger point in life was love, or success. I still wonder about it today. Do any of you wonder if love might be the point in life? Because it seems like so much in life is involved with love. You know, friendship love, love and hate relationships, marriages, couples, boyfriends, girlfriends, relatives.... Those things are part of love. Because love isn't just for couples. Thats a really deep love, I guess.
A lot of famous things are about love. Romeo and Juliet, for example. And hearts are one of the most favorite little icons. Even for me. (The deep kind of)Love at first sight doesn't exist... to love them, you have to become acquainted with someone. You have to get to know them. Then, you like them, and become friends. Then, when you've known each other for months, and years, you get even closer. If you feel close to them, if you would do anything for them, if you would stay at their side, when their sick, if their ugly, when their to the point of dying, when they lie, when they cheat, when they can't stand you. People are put through so much so they can have their fantasy of wonderful love.

And that is just a small part of my opinion on love.
Thanks for reading,

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