Help the hungry. ♥

Fighting world hunger


The Chocolate Muffin

Alright. We bought some muffins last Sunday, 6 chocolate, 6 strawberry. In the car, I had a strawberry one, so did my mom, my brother had a chocolate one....

SInce then, there has been only 1 chocolate one left and 2 or 3 strawberry ones left.
I went to TRY a chocolate one, the last one, because I hadn't had one. My brother a.k.a the biggest screwhole ever came in and said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" (kinda like how sassy gay friend says it, just less gay XD) and I was like "Getting a chocolate muffin" and he was like "A CHOCOLATE ONE? NO YOU CAN'T HAVE THOSE THE REVOLTING STRAWBERRY ONES ARE FOR YOU!!!!" and I had to have a flipping strawberry one. This just proves that my brother is a selfish.. screw.. hole... >.<


Unknown said...

Phae, don't ever tell Truman I told you this, but this is fucking hilarious. You rock. Seriously, if you tell Truman, you will feel pain. Serious, unforgettable pain. So don't tell Truman. Seriously.
You are one funny girl.

Unknown said...
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Meghan16 said...

Hahah, thanks, mom xD
I won't. o.O
Thank you again <3