Help the hungry. ♥

Fighting world hunger


Another Random Conversation Thats Messed Up

Meghan16: im back
lolcat75: hey meghan
Meghan16: I posted on my blog
CheezeBo1998: Hi
lolcat75: Hey
CheezeBo1998: Thanks for posting that on your blog
lolcat75: any opera fans here?
Meghan16: Yeah no problem
CheezeBo1998: nope
lolcat75: lol goood
TheProtector812: yo
Maylock: anyone know why i cant leave on comment for a game? I click the leave a comment button and it just disappears
lolcat75: any avril fans here?
CheezeBo1998: MEEEE
Meghan16: hopefully that post can also make you site more popular, Cheeze
Meghan16: your*
lolcat75: any queen fans here?
CheezeBo1998: Thanks
CheezeBo1998: I like ABBA
lolcat75: i like most 70 to 90s rock groups
lolcat75: and 60s bands
TheBroccoli: i saw an abba tribute band once.
TheBroccoli: it was at a metal festival.
lolcat75: i was a queen tribute band
lolcat75: *at
lolcat75: *at a
lolcat75: brian may = god
link109: hi
TheBroccoli: brian may?
lolcat75: ...
lolcat75: omfg
Meghan16: Hai, Cheeze do you mind putting my site on your sponsors page?
CheezeBo1998: Oh yeah
CheezeBo1998: Sure I can
Meghan16: Thanks
lolcat75: infidel!
lolcat75: brian may is queens epic guitar player and the fifth best in the world
TheBroccoli: thats debatable.
lolcat75: according to a anti queen voting site
lolcat75: he built his own ****ing guitar
TheBroccoli: what were 4 3 2 and 1?
lolcat75: i dont remeber
lolcat75: but on several voting sites he is 5th or higher
lolcat75: and on most he is second
TheBroccoli: how many people thought the earth to be flat?
animion: Broccoli, some people still do.
TheBroccoli: really?
TheBroccoli: who?
animion: Wait there.
lolcat75: the earth was never thought to have been flat in comlubusses time they thought it was pear shaped
TheBroccoli: consult the almighty knowledge of google!
TheBroccoli: still wrong.
lolcat75: brian mays skill is here
animion: Flat earth society :P
lolcat75: most peeps thought that the earth was pear shaped
Meghan16: lol
lolcat75: also how many peeps do you think are in the flat earth socity as a joke/
lolcat75: ?
CheezeBo1998: NEED IDEAS
CheezeBo1998: NEED HELP
TheBroccoli: sorry, stopped listening after the singing began.
TheBroccoli: eew.
lolcat75: then you fail at life
TheBroccoli: no.
TheBroccoli: you fail at taste.
lolcat75: you just fail
Meghan16: Cheeze, did you put my blog on your sponsor page :3
lolcat75: hey meisme
lolcat75: ^_^
lolcat75: meisme is my bestest friend ever
meisme: Hello.
lolcat75: *laughs behind meismes back*
CheezeBo1998: Hang on I'm doing it now
RedRanger303: hi
lolcat75: wow that was fast
Meghan16: Yay
lolcat75: hes gone already :D
lolcat75: *highfivees everybody*
Meghan16: Ugh my stupid dog is sitting on my keybourd
CheezeBo1998: lol
Meghan16: but hes soooo cute
Meghan16: so i let him
Meghan16: :P
Meghan16: hes a Multipoo, no he doesn't poo multiple times its short for a multiese poodle
RedRanger303: kool
lolcat75: *eats ice cream*
Meghan16: Yay you put my blog on your sponsors page :D
CheezeBo1998: No prob
Meghan16: Thankies :D
lolcat75: can i whisper through chat rooms?
Meghan16: Yeah
Meghan16: you gotta go to
Meghan16: chat actions
lolcat75: as in not be in a chat room and whisper to sombody that is in that chat room?
Meghan16: No
lolcat75: balls >:(
Meghan16: oh yeah u can
lolcat75: :)
Meghan16: you go to chat actions then see friend online and i think u can whisper them
soldier16: seeya guys
Meghan16: or do /w when their in another chat room
animion: Gawsh. I'm bored :S
Meghan16: me tew!
CheezeBo1998: same
RedRanger303: same
Meghan16: have u seen my blog, ani? lol if u do maybe u wont be bored
Meghan16: :P
RedRanger303: hi twilight
Meghan16: Twi!
lolcat75: >:8(
Meghan16: *hug*
TwilightNomad: ::hug::
animion: Meghan, where is it?
TwilightNomad: Hi!
lolcat75: *sneaks into the hug*
animion: Oh, wait, lag :S
TwilightNomad: hahaha,hi cat
Meghan16: Twi, i posted some more stuff on my blog
lolcat75: hey
TwilightNomad: Mmk hold on then i'ma check it out
lolcat75: i am explaining to my frien why eating a shitlaod of icecream is good for you
Meghan16: :D
Meghan16: lol
animion: I was blinded by the darkness! :P
animion: Nice colour scheme.
lolcat75: coz if u eat laods of icecream then you get fat
lolcat75: then nobody goes out with you
lolcat75: so you ont have to share the rest of your ice cream!
lolcat75: w00t
Meghan16: Lycander was being bitchy about the color scheme yesterday >.<
Meghan16: im glad u like it tho
animion: I like black and red.
animion: It brings out the emo side in meh :P
Meghan16: Me too :D
TheBroccoli: is that necessarily a good thing?
animion: I think you mean, me tew.
Meghan16: Yep
Meghan16: Me tew :P
TwilightNomad: oh my gawdd the bottom coversation is very strange
Meghan16: Yeah
Meghan16: wait the one with Mr.B?
Meghan16: Yeah it happened like yesterday
TwilightNomad: Really?
Meghan16: Yup
GodOfGods99: *waves at twilight* hi ^^
TwilightNomad: Wow poor kittn
TwilightNomad: ::waves:: hi hi ^^
GodOfGods99: :)
Meghan16: And then i punched Mr. B for staring at my little friends
GodOfGods99: how is twilight?
Meghan16: XD
TwilightNomad: I'm very good It's very early its going to be 7 am how is GoG?
Meghan16: It's almost 10 am here
TwilightNomad: lawl Meg
GodOfGods99: hmmm i think hes good let me ask him h/o
TheBroccoli: its almost 3 o clock pm here.
Meghan16: :P
animion: Same.
GodOfGods99: yah GoG is good and god lol
RedRanger303: here italmost 7 in the mornin
lolcat75: :P
TwilightNomad: Lawl ^^
animion: Broccoli, England?
lolcat75: anybody for icecream?
Meghan16: Lol
Meghan16: No thanks
TwilightNomad: Yea....Red I said that .lawl
TheBroccoli: yeah, wherwabouts are you?
TheBroccoli: *where
animion: Birmingham. :P
TwilightNomad: mmm ice cream sounds good
TheBroccoli: cool.
GodOfGods99: :)
TheBroccoli: luton. :(
animion: You?
animion: Ah...
TwilightNomad: Hi Remo how you doing?
animion: I'm generally in Leicester though.
lolcat75: *hands out ice cream from the icecreammobile*
Meghan16: HI remo
animion: Ice cream mobile?
Meghan16: you still put the r in emo :P
animion: Isn't that just a van.?
TwilightNomad: ::devours........politely::
GodOfGods99: hi remo
TheBroccoli: animion, when you back at school?
lolcat75: *shoots icecream everywhere*
animion: Next week methinks.
TheBroccoli: next friday. :(
lolcat75: *givesupusingthespacebarcompltely*
TwilightNomad: lawl Remo puts the r in emo?
animion: 5th Sept.
animion: Probleh.
TwilightNomad: lol cat
GodOfGods99: wow this is the best iv ever done on this game
Meghan16: I go to school september 1st
lolcat75: HOLY CRAP
TheBroccoli: its my birthday on sunday! :D
lolcat75: i only just got through that!
Meghan16: Its my birthday september 7th
TwilightNomad: Happy early birthday!
lolcat75: i had no mana left when an enemy came through
Meghan16: on labor day!
animion: Happy birthday.
lolcat75: and im still alive
Meghan16: on a monday!
TheBroccoli: thanks!
TwilightNomad: Meg my birthday is on the 29th of Sept
TwilightNomad: Mine is on a Tuesday!I think
zombyra222: ELLO ANTHILL
Meghan16: SamTheInsane's (my brothers) birthday is on september 16ths
lolcat75: freddie mercurys birthday is on the 5th of september
gamefreak6: hi twi
Meghan16: 16th*
TwilightNomad: Hi game
Meghan16: My dad's birthday is on the 24th, i think either that or the 21st
TwilightNomad: RN owns Ant Hill?
animion: My birthday is in November :S
Meghan16: Now he does!
lolcat75: AARRRGHHH
Meghan16: My crushes birthday is on November 11th
TwilightNomad: Gawd how?
lolcat75: im going to stay in this room forever now
animion: Noooo!
TwilightNomad: How did he get Ant Hill?
Meghan16: Kewl, lol cat
animion: I mean... Erm... Okay.
TwilightNomad: Thats thats crazy!
animion: Twilight, he's a usurper.
animion: :P
lolcat75: im a craziiiiiiiiie :p
TwilightNomad: Well,good for him
lolcat75: q:
lolcat75: :b
lolcat75: :p
TwilightNomad: Thats so weird but nice one of my favorite mods is my favorite room's owner
GodOfGods99: lol
Meghan16: Aren and djkittn are my favorite mods :D
lolcat75: twi wat do u mean how did i get in2 da ant hill?
TheBroccoli: i never knew RN owned the room.
Meghan16: He only recently got the room
TwilightNomad: Ah
lolcat75: wats the deal with mods i dont think they are human
RestlessNative: Y'all are talking about my like I am not even here!!
animion: I beg to differ.
Meghan16: They are!
lolcat75: they never talk
animion: RN, you're not here.
Meghan16: You aren't here!
animion: You're asleep.
TwilightNomad: lawl RN
RestlessNative: I'm not!?
RestlessNative: Ohhh nooo not again!!
animion: Nope.
lolcat75: o hai restless
TwilightNomad: Not yet you aren't
Meghan16: Aren, your feeding the ducks in your underwear.
lolcat75: you need to kill a lolkitteh to be a human
Meghan16: Got it?
RestlessNative: This is the 3rd timke this week ive dreamed about you Ani
TwilightNomad: You have to let us finish talking about you ,you silly goose
lolcat75: cheese?
animion: O_O
Meghan16: *gasp* what about me
Meghan16: Doesn't i get to be dreamed about? Lawl
animion: Meghan, you're not hawt 'nuff :P
RestlessNative: Ani is to speshial not to dreamt about
Alextotel11: o.o
Meghan16: TT-TT
RestlessNative: to be*
lolcat75: i get dreamed bout all teh time im teh booogeyh man
lolcat75: well im his pet anyway...
Meghan16: At least my best friend evar in real life dreams bout me....
animion: O_o Obsessed?
Meghan16: Lol
lolcat75: *cough cough* RAPIST! *cough cough*
animion: Envy dreams about me.
Meghan16: LoL
TwilightNomad: h/o killing people with a gun who just happen to smoke for money
Meghan16: i bet DANNYPOO dreams about me too! :P
Meghan16: Lol
Meghan16: Brb postin on my blog
RestlessNative: No! He dreams about me
animion: He dreams about Star.
TwilightNomad: I dream about pie
Alextotel11: this is getting weird
RestlessNative: Can I wake up yet?
lolcat75: o wait nobody was :'(
TwilightNomad: Yes RN you cam
RestlessNative: Yay!
animion: O_O
lolcat75: ^_^
RestlessNative: Oh god Ani is going back to sleep
lolcat75: silmey cat
animion: Just because you can, doesn't mean you have.
lolcat75: ∟.∟
RemoWilliams: KongRats RN
RestlessNative: Heeeey, cheers remo
lolcat75: ☻
Alextotel11: yay 250 blobs left
Meghan16: Back
lolcat75: ∟
animion: Welcome back.
lolcat75: o
lolcat75: ∟
lolcat75: dam you animion
animion: No. Darn you.
lolcat75: >:(
lolcat75: *slaps animion*
RestlessNative: 0.o
TwilightNomad: O.o
animion: *Tells lolcat to stop RPing*
RestlessNative: Everytime you RP in here a Kitten loses its whiskers.
lolcat75: *gets very sad face*
lolcat75: omg
lolcat75: i haz...
TheBroccoli: RP?
lolcat75: NO WHISKERS!
animion: Broccoli, Role Play.

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