Help the hungry. ♥

Fighting world hunger



What to write about, lemme think...
Oh! I posted up a drumming video on youtube, because Matt, Aedin and I are planning on making a band called 'Leave The Past In Ashes.' Did I already tell you guys that? Dunno.
So if you've been reading Danny's blog, he got some puppies! A Maltese poodle named Meg (:D) and a king charles cavalier spaniel. The Spaniel is a boy, the poodle is a girl. Hopefully, he'll post up some pictures soon!

So, recently, it's been really warm! Well, not really warm, but Spring is at least showing up, and I'm planning on taking a walk with Felicity sometime.

Oh! By the way, Danny, Matt told me to tell you that the only reason he ignored your friend request on Facebook is because his parents don't want him friending anyone that in their opinion is a 'stranger'. So, don't think that he's mad at you or anything!

Hmm..Oh! So the dolly meet up is in....
12 days!

I think I'll start a countdown for that when I make my daily post :P

Basically, outside it keeps going back and forth from sunny to dark and back again because random small clouds keep blocking the sun every 5 seconds.

As for school.... hmm. Well, today I was the only one to get the enrichment class packet for my spelling homework! (In simple talk: MegMeg do goodie on spell test and get more work piled on her. Weee!)
XD So yeah, whenever you get less than 2 words wrong on a spelling pre-test (done on Mondays) then you get the normal spelling packet and the packet for geeks who know how to spell. I actually only got 1 wrong on today's test. Cause I actually studied! Oh wait no nevermind. You can't really study for random words unless you pull out that dictionary.

The spelling test was about compound words-- the reason everyone did crap was cause you had 3 choices in spelling. A space between the parts (words inside of the compound word) of the compound word, hyphens between the parts, or no space and no hyphen, just one big thing. The only word I got wrong was good-bye, I put it with no space and no hyphen.
(XD I'm trying to bore the hell out of those nosy kids from my school who read my blog, shhhh keep it a secret!)
I hate how you can't show sarcasm through writing! :P
Person who you know or do knot know (See what I did there? XD)

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