Help the hungry. ♥

Fighting world hunger



Today I was watching a few videos on youtube, and there was one of this really flexible girl, and I checked out her profile, and it said she was a contortionist, so I kept checking out those kinds of videos, and then I posted a few videos.
Since I'm pretty flexible, I'd like to start making a lot of videos on youtube just to show it-- a lot of people do it! And it seems pretty cool.
Anyway, go look at my youtube channel to see the videos!
I can do a few advanced lotus poses, put both my feet behind my head, touch my feet to my head, those, among other things!
I hope to upload some more of those kinds of videos and start becoming even more flexible ^^ And also become kind of a gymnast at the same time...

And on youtube, theres this person, Knottedtrick, who has been giving me challenges of my flexibility. So hopefully other people will challenge me too!


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