Help the hungry. ♥

Fighting world hunger


Japanese cultures

So,  on Wednesday, while waiting for the bus, I was talking to my mom.
She was talking about how earlier when she dropped my brother off at school, they were talking about Japanese cultures on the radio. Apparently, there is this trend called 'herbivores' in Japan. Herbivores are guys that are really girly, but not quite gay. They also talked about how since theres all these tough japanese woman (carnivores :P) and then really girly guys, herbivores, that there have been a LOT fewer births in Japan. Oh yeah, and these "herbivores" make cute, little stuffed animals and go to Pudding of The Month clubs. XP
We laughed about it. And as we laughed, I thought about my feminine (XD) best friend, Matt, who admits he is very feminine. As though my mom had read my mind, she said:
"Well... you know... Matt is kinda a herbivore..."
We laughed again. I still haven't gotten the chance to joke about it with him. It WILL be joking because Matt just understands things like that. He's a good friend, I must say.

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